God’s relentless pursuit of His people is the greatest love story on earth. His desire for more of us experiencing more of Him comes sometimes in a whisper, and sometimes unexpectedly, like a whitewater torrent that sweeps our hearts into a great adventure.
Four days in May 2015 marked a time where eleven men drew away to the wilderness. Many of us did not know each other. Yet, together we longed to encounter God and hear from Him, and maybe gather some hope for the road ahead. But He came for us in ways we could not expect. In our Lapa flanked by the Hawequas mountains, or around the fire, sharing the stories that shaped us, He came. Individually, personally. Like a secret handshake or a knowing look that only the giver and the receiver shares. God came to minister to the boy in us, to husbands, fathers, lovers and friends. To invite us into the frontier country of the Spirit, and to challenge us to mount up and ride as His intimate allies.
We laughed (a lot, and at some jokes that won’t make their way to this journal) and wept (yes, real men cry real tears). We went shooting together, cooked a leg of wild boar (thanks Steve) and played kleilat in the vlei. But the highlight was God coming in to Father us, and call us by the names we truly carry. No one had to try and whistle His presence from the trees. He loves us, woos us, and promises that Jesus has done more than forgive us. He has brought restoration to every part of our being.
No, we do not have it all figured out. The Mystery will remain, it is intended that way. But our hearts have been awakened to something greater, and our eyes have caught a glimpse of His spectacular majesty.
Well meaning Christian folk may have told you that spending time with God is like eating your brussel sprouts — you may not feel like it, yet you have to do it. But what if God is saying something more like : “here’s your steak – come and enjoy Me”?
Thank you men. You are a magnificent bunch of ragamuffins, and I’m honoured to call you friends.
ps: come and join us at the next retreat – click here for details