We followed steep paths up the crags and planted flags of courage, of commitment and rekindled trust. Carefully woven fig leaves were relinquished to the fire — garments fashioned over many decades to keep us safe (and make us look good). We cannot summon the lightning, or conjure the presence we so long for. But we can surrender, betting the whole farm on His love for us.
Retreat, November 2019
Good principles. Insightful strategies. Gurus around every corner with a new ten step plan. If the change in us was equal to the resources at our disposal, we would be the most transformed generation to ever wander the planet. Is it possible that life is less of a puzzle to solve, and more of a gift to unwrap? Not something to figure out but something to open up to?
Retreat, April 2019
Did you hear what the spiritual seeker asked the pizza chef?
“Make me one with everything”
Old joke, but our desire for connection is a clue to God’s desire for us. Our unique, beautiful “onlyness” finds its highest expression in communion with one another. Darkness separates, but Love unites. And united we stood - seventeen warriors who took the risk of wagering everything on His great affection for us.
Retreat, October 2016
A man in love cannot be deterred — he will cross a thundering torrent and scale the castle walls in the dead of night, just to be with his beloved. Love does not need a three-step plan or a set of principles to guide its quest. Drawn by desire, it is a pursuit navigated solely by the heart. This is no sugary tale — it is Christianity as revealed by Jesus. A story of how He would come for us and how we, as beloved sons and daughters, would follow Him regardless of the cost. Love is utterly unstoppable.